Product Photo Editing Basics

Photo Editing Basics for Ecommerce | Beginners Guide

Photo editing basics or prime matters of “Product Photo Editing” apply to the product images for e-commerce websites. It holds the prime goal of online business. At present, it is convenient enough to spread out the business around the world with a mouse click.

We will talk about online marketing or e-commerce sites. Product Photo Editing is an important matter to consider. Without a proper foundation, no construction can be strong or long-lasting. The same for online businesses.

Here is the thing to create a strong position in digital marketing for the product or business you own. you should focus on product photo editing with care. Every single step matters when the primary steps matter the most.

Product photos need looks that are possible by professional retouching. And, it would be great if the photographer is also a professional one.

We need to combine all professionals. The photograph of the image takes a gorgeous look at the e-commerce business. By the way, outsourcing product photo editing with Clipping World can save you money, time, and labor at the same time.

There are a few related matters before and after the photo editing. They are also part of Photo editing basics. The whole procedure we should follow for the best output of the product photo to be the center of the eye.

Product Photo Editing Basics Stair

Here we will learn the steps one by one for photo editing basics. The discussion matter contains various steps. All are mandatory to maintain the chain of command. No matter how or which elements you use, you need to maintain all.

01. Photo Editing Software

Photo Editing service is performed by software. So this is the prime issue of the job. There are many photo editing software in the world.

All may not be professional quality programs that can perform well. But there are some which are well known for photo-editing basics.

Here we will talk about some of the useful Photo editing software. They will gorgeously enrich your photographs.

A. Photoshop

Photoshop Logo

A renowned image editing software from ‘Adobe Corporation’. Photoshop is rich with tools and editing capabilities. Whatever you want to do or however you want to do that, Photoshop gives you the liberty to perform the editing well.

Processing product photos with Photoshop is never an easy job to do. But not as difficult as impossible. The program updates come regularly so that it can be more convenient for the designers.

So, they give their best effort for the editing service and can do even better. You can learn this program by yourself. But, it would be difficult to get the techniques if not observed by anyone doing them.

Also, Photoshop is the topmost photo editing program and is still the industry leader. You can buy it from the Adobe store online or from any retailer with a price.

B. Canva

Canva Logo

A very easy-to-use image-editing software. Also well known for photo editing online services. Canva program is free to use with limited tools and functions.

Well, this one is not good for vast image editing services.  Instead, of a few steps that can be helpful sometimes. And, its creation is for designing marketing materials or simple banner creation.

C. Lightroom

Lightroom Logo

The professional-quality program deals with enough images in bulk. The program has a streamlined interface. The software company charges $ 9.99 per month for the program support to the designers. Also, it has a more focused and cleaner dashboard than Photoshop.


Gimp Logo

Closer to Photoshop, GIMP is rich in image editing tools and options. The elaboration of GIMP is the ‘GNU (Linux) Image Manipulation Program’. The program is free and suitable for Linux, Windows, and more operating systems. Also, it is free and open-source software that you can change, simplify, and distribute online as you want.

E. Pixelmator

Pixelmator Logo

The Pixelmator has all the basic tools with an easy interface to use them with art. And, it is about the alternative to Adobe Photoshop and GIMP. The platform is convenient for understanding. The price for the software is $29.99 for Mac and $ 4.99 for the iPad. However, it is not compatible with the Windows operating system.

F. Instagram

Instagram Logo

Instagram is, as a matter of fact, a social media platform. And, it contains a few simple tools and filters for your image editing. Before editing, the original photos should be saved. And the internet connection needs disconnecting.

Without an internet connection, the photo will stop uploading in the middle of the work. Besides, it is a great place for e-commerce product promotion.

G. Fotor

Fotor Logo

The program is easy-to-use and free with basic tools, frames, and visual effects. Also, you can have some advanced features like Raw compatibility and tilt-shift effect. They are helpful for convenience.

H. Snapseed

Snapseed Logo

Snapseed is a free mobile app with enough features included. This one is the most powerful and rich app among all the free apps. And, it contains many tools like quick transform, spot repair, adjustment brush. Also, it has several cool filters.

I. Aviary Photo Editor

Aviary Logo

Aviary Photo Editor is an app for the mobile phone which is free. The app is simple and intuitive at the same time. And, you will have all the basic photo editing features that you may think of in your Smartphone.

J. Filterstorm Neue

Filterstorm Neue Logo

Filterstorm Neue is a photo editing app for mobile with the tools. Only the experienced ones can handle the program well. Also, it has powerful features like RAW image processing, watermarks, IPTC tag data, and more. Also, tools like Curves, Levels, channels, etc. you can have with this.

02. Product Photo Editing

Editing is the prime need for photo editing basics. Without the part, the whole theme is useless. There is a lot of editing we can use for e-commerce Photo Editing Services but all are not the basics. The services are prime and non-negotiable are the basic ones.

Yet, the other services hold important editing used and asked by the customers. Also to maintain product presentable view. The editing services required further of the basics may need individual content to discuss. We will talk only about the basic ones here and they are;

A. Background Remove or Change 

Background Remove (Photo-editing Basics)

The background is the part of an image that stays behind the subject. Most of the time it needs to be removed to take out the subject. We separate the product image for further editing through this. Most of the websites ask for product images without any background or white background.

And, this does not only represent the subject image to highlight but also keeps it separate. Product photography background is important but needs to be removed for e-commerce posting. Also, we use it to avoid distractions.

The importance of background removal or change is mandatory. you can get this service from professional background removal service providers. You can create a uniform look for the product in online marketing.

Moreover, it increases professionalism in the subject or products. So, it can draw customer attention.

Also, it makes the product photo eye-catching. And promotes brand trust for long-term evaluation. Ultimately, it increases the profit level for the business which is the common target.

B. Photo Color Correction

Color Correction (Photo-editing Basics)

After separating the subject from the background Color Correction service comes next for photo editing basics. And, it is the second most important editing required for an e-commerce product photograph. Proper color creates the impression better for the product photo. And increases business with trust.

The presentation should be perfect for the development of the brand. You may have the best product in the world manufactured by you. But if you cannot represent that well enough to the consumer, you may lose the position that you are capable of. “First impression is the best impression”.

The presentation for the first time holds the key to your success in online marketing. Make sure your product photographs are color-corrected well to achieve success.

Color Correction of an image or product photograph has some ways to be performed. As the color is the life of an image, the perfect color is very important for that reason.

C. Image Retouching 

Retouching (Photo-editing Basics)

Retouching means correcting the impurities found. On the image, there may be impurities of various types. Such as spots, shades, dark circles & wrinkles, foreign objects, or others.

Without removing the impurities the image is not ready for presentation. For e-commerce presentation, it is no way fit. If you want your product to take the top position on viewing for the starter. Product photo retouching is most needed.

03. Image Resources 

Photo editing basics need new photographs for e-commerce website upload. Or you can hire Professional Photographers who are costly. To save money and time, it is better to use stock photos as an ‘Image resource’. There are a lot of free websites that provide images without any cost.

Some others charge money for the images for distribution. But they are also aware of the quality and the needs of the people. They have a stock of photos different than the free ones and the images are more organized. Check out some free and paid image resources near you.

A. Pixabay 

Pixabay Logo (Photo-editing Basics)

Pixabay is an open-source free image stock. The site has more than a million collections. The quantity is increasing over time to the demand of visitors day by day. You can choose the image by scrolling or searching for your desired one.

You can find enough options for the same category and the selection is upon you. Also, this is one of the most visited websites for stock images for variety, quantity, and exposure.

B. Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock Logo (Photo-editing Basics)

Adobe Stock is not free to have images. But, it has a massive database of high-quality stock images. Adobe Creative Cloud has integration with the stock and you can check out the images before you buy. In the beginning, you will have 10 images for free only once.

C. Burst 

Burst Logo (Photo-editing Basics)

Burst is a huge stock of free images powered by Shopify. They focus on e-commerce entrepreneurs so that the business can get a head start. The presentation of the photographs is also attractive and relevant to online marketing.

D. New Old Stock 

New Old Stock Logo (Photo-editing Basics)

Are you looking for old and vintage photographs with a stunning look? Well, you should visit this site. The site sources vintage photos from all over the world. All the images are free and not a limitation of copyright.

E. Stock UP 

Stock Up Logo (Photo-editing Basics)

One of the largest and most renowned stock photo coordinators is Stock Up. The site has more than 25,000 images in its stock. And also sources from 33 websites that have CC0 licenses. Which means no copyright limitations.

F. Logo (Photo-editing Basics)

Another stock photo site without any copyright restriction. Snappa has created and has a large number of images for you to find and download as you want. No matter how you can use them as your own.

G. Death to the Stock Photo 

Death to the Stock Logo (Photo-editing Basics)

The site is full of artistic photos with an authentic feel. You can have access to a large number of free and paid images. You can access them according to your needs. For the free photos, you do not need to pay but have some limitations for art and photojournalism.

For the paid photos, you can have access for 14 days of free trial with your details and email address. After that, you need to pay as per the packages mentioned on the web page. By the way, the site also contains stock videos you can download and use.


To go for a big step, there needs some basic preparation that we have discussed here. As photo editing is our discussion matter the Photo editing basics relate to that. Our main goal is to highlight the product to the market through e-commerce.

One should follow the things discussed above. Through this, you can amplify the possibilities of good recognition of the product in the market.

FAQ About Product Photo Editing

What Does ‘Basics’ Mean in Product Photo Editing Basics?

Product photos we capture in natural raw format. That is not ready for e-commerce or printing. The most important things that we follow to prepare the photos in a presentable mode are the Basics. You should follow the photo editing basics for the better marketing value you want.

How Do The Photo Editing Basics Work?

Photo editing basics work in a group. You cannot skip any of them if you want to get a better result. You cannot upload the raw image or the product photo with impurities. you have to follow the procedure with care.

Why Photo Editing Basics Are Important?

The photo editing basics are not important. And, the e-commerce business must move forward. You cannot think without them or your decision may harm the business.