Image Masking and Clipping Path Differences

Image Masking Vs. Clipping Path | Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to another blog about online image masking and clipping paths. Today we are going to learn a very important matter of editing in Photoshop. With the title, you have already known the subject. It’s about the Clipping Path and the Masking.

Why it is important to know the differences between them? How to cut out images in Photoshop? Well, go through till the end and I believe you will get the answer you may ask. Let’s begin.

Clipping Path and Masking in Photoshop, both you can use to separate the subject from the background. When you work with Photoshop, you need to follow the most convenient procedure. Why? Because with the inconvenient ones, you may waste enough time and labor and may become unsuccessful with the project. As a result, you may prove yourself unworthy of the job.

Clipping path Photoshop CC 2019 operation and masking with the same program is advanced to use. The previous version of Photoshop CC 2018 is good by the way. Make sure you understand the theme.

An Introduction to the Clipping Path and the Masking

Before we go for the differences, let’s know the matters first. Well, you can know them on the procedure but not enough. It is better to have a good idea of the matters we are dealing with. This is not only useful for our procedure but also for learning to implement it in professional work.

What is Clipping Path?

A Clipping Path is a closed vector line or shape that we use to mark and separate any portion from the whole image. It’s the basic Clipping path tips. You need to draw an outline clipping path of the subject. It requires editing programs like Photoshop, Gimp, or any other programs that have the Pen Tool option.

This procedure is limited to 2D images only. It cannot handle 3D images. When we make the path, the closed section we can use separate without the background. That means we can remove the background, change the color, modify the background or color, and do anything resembling these. There are also multiple clipping paths in Photoshop operation.

What is Masking?

Online Image Masking is a non-destructive process for an image subject. Adobe Photoshop masking techniques are the original performance of the process. With this, you can hide some areas of the image and show some. Layer mask Photoshop CC performance is convenient to use.

The reason is to call it non-destructive because you can reveal the areas that are hidden. Same as you can hide some areas that are visible. If the process was destructive, you could not change the condition without working from the beginning.

Differences between Clipping Path and Masking

There are several differences between the Clipping Path and the Masking. Both do a similar type of editing in the image but in a different way. The reasons for the necessity of both processes are actually the subject. Also, it is related to the image category and the convenience of working.

That is all. For the images you cannot use any method, you better know the differences for assistance. Let’s know the differences between them.

  1. Edge of the subject
  2. Destructive and non-destructive
  3. Compatibility
  4. Image type
  5. Harshness and Smoothness
  6. Time Consumption

Edge of The Subject

You can use the Clipping Path for the subjects with hard edges. Image editing with Clipping Path is convenient for this kind of subject. You can easily create a path and make a selection. Masking is not good for the kind. Why? Because the selection of the subject with the mask will take more time and labor. As a result, the final output will be inappropriate and not satisfactory.

Clipping Path Vs Masking

On the other hand, subjects with soft and thin edges are good to handle with an Online image masking service. If you use Clipping Path, you may have cut out the subject but you will lose the details. So, to retain softness, there is no alternative to Masking. However, you can use Clipping Path then Masking in some images for convenience but that is another option.

Destructive and Non-destructive

With the help of Pen Tool, the Clipping path is good for basic or simple shaped subjects. But the action is destructive. If you make the path, make a selection, and cut it out from the image, you cannot go back to the previous form. Well, there is an option of editing the points but still, it is destructive.

Clipping Path Vs the Masking

As for Masking, you can handle complex, compound, and super-complex subjects. And, Online Image masking in image processing is non-destructive. That means you can go back to any step and reveal any part you want. Also, you can hide any part. So, whatever you do, the original detail is always safe to recover. Hair masking images HD is only convenient to get with Online Image Masking.


Compatibility is a very important matter separating the subject from an image. Depending on the subject type you should select the procedure with expertise. For a few images, It is hard to say which one is more effective, the Clipping Path or the Masking.

Sometimes you may have a subject that has soft edges and hard edges. In that case, the Clipping Path and the Masking, are compatible.

Clipping Path is for the hard part and Masking is for the soft parts. Using the Clipping Path at the beginning is better. Masking is better in the end because it is at another level. You can name this Clipping Mask in Photoshop.

If you mask first and clip later, the procedure will be wrong and you may need to do the masking again. As a result, you may waste time and labor. Clipping Mask Photoshop CC 2019 is amazing for its purpose.

Image type

From the very beginning, we are mentioning the term ‘Image type’ which is the prime focusing thing. The subject of the image may be sharp-edged, soft-edged, a solid color background, or a multicolored background. If the subject is hard-edged, it is not really a calculating matter whether the background is solid colored or busy.

Here busy means textures that contain multiple colors, opacity, softness, and hardness. Clipping Path is the best way to separate a hard-edged subject from any image.

On the other hand, if the subject has soft edges and the background is busy, Masking is a must. You cannot cut out these kinds of subjects from the background properly with the Clipping Path method. It will look unnatural. Here, online image masking techniques are mandatory. You need masking that can give you a satisfactory result.

Harshness and Smoothness

Clipping Path is the process made by the Vector paths. And, that also means the edges are hard and sharp. Not all subjects need soft or thin edges. For example, product images often require sharp edges to give that a good look. However, there are some products that contain thin edges and masking is the best way to get the original view.

Harshness and Smoothness

For the subjects, whether they are products or models, You cannot handle thin edges by the Clipping Path. They need Masking. Well, most of the time, model images are the potential for the process. We cannot leave one and do everything with another. Both are important in their own faculty.

Time Consumption

Time Consumption

Time is valuable in human life. For the image editing task, it is more crucial. You cannot take as much time as you need for editing. Also, it will hamper productivity and in the end, lose with the project. So, it is very important to choose the editing method carefully.

Never try to force one method to meet another one. When you need the Clipping Path method, you should not try Masking. The same thing is applicable to the other way. For the images that require both methods, go for the Clipping Path first and Masking later. Because it is better this way.

Conclusion | Image Masking and Clipping Path

There is no doubt that we need both the Clipping Path and The Masking for the editing. Clipping Path India does a similar kind of editing as we are referring to. Smart is to identify the most suitable method for the image subject. Best clipping path service and Masking you can get from Clipping World.

Try to do the work with accuracy and perfection. If you believe that you can do image editing with the Clipping Path and the Masking, check with your superiors. When you have the compliment of a good job after several tries, you are good to go for professional work.

FAQs | Image Masking and Clipping Path

What is the difference between a Clipping Path and a Masking?

Ans: The difference between a Clipping Path and a Masking is with the function. Clipping Path is made with the vector line to cut out a subject from the image. Masking is a way of creating a virtual layer on the image to hide unnecessary areas.

When to use the Clipping Path or the Masking in an image?

Ans: If the subject is with hard and sharp edges, you should use the Clipping Path. On the other hand, if the subject is with soft edges, Masking is the best policy.

What is the similarity between the Clipping Path and the Masking?

Ans: The only similarity between the Clipping Path and the Masking is the subject. Both the methods we use to separate the subject from the background. You can also say, this is the main purpose.

Is that possible to use the Clipping Path and the Masking together for the same subject?

Ans: You can use the Clipping Path and the Masking together for the same subject. When the subject contains hard edges and soft edges, this is important. This could save time and labor. But, if you want to use them without any reason, you may waste valuable time.

Can the Clipping Path be used as the mask for further Masking?

Ans: You can use the Clipping Path as the Pre-Masking for the subject if necessary. When you make the selection with the Clipping Path, mark some more areas outside of the edge. Later you can add a mask and go for the Masking procedure.