Commercial Photography, Commercial Photography A Complete Guideline

A Beginner’s Guide to Commercial Photography

What will come to your mind when you first hear of commercial photography? It is a genre of photo shoot that is used for commercial purposes. We can use it for publication or business purposes, depending on our needs. 

In short, we can say that commercial photography is the art of creating images to promote a specific product through business. We use commercial photography for restaurants, corporate offices, shopping malls, fashion websites, entertainment purposes, etc. Let’s talk about this in detail in commercial photography.

In this article, we will talk about different tips and tricks regarding commercial photography. 

What Are The Common Types Of Commercial Photography? 

Commercial photography involves photographing a particular product or someone supplying a specific product. Let’s talk about the common types of photography

  • Food Photography 
  • Fashion Photography 
  • Sports Photography 
  • Portrait Photography 
  • Car Photography 
  • Real Estate Photography 
  • Family Photography 
  • Wedding Photography 
Family photography ideas, family photography
A Stunning Family Photograph


real estate photography, real estate photos
A Commercial Real Estate Photography

How Do You Start Your Journey In Commercial Photography? 

Well, as a newbie, it is always difficult to start your journey on a big platform. When you think of a commercial photography career, you must prepare yourself in different directions. Let me describe them one after another. 

photography journey, starting your journey as a photographer
A Newbie Photographer


fashion photo, photography fashion
Fashion Photography

A Smart Portfolio 

For any photography job, a portfolio plays a major role, and people love to see your previous work. In the beginning, it is hard to get a job. However, getting a job for the photoshoot is possible if you try hard.

When planning for commercial photography, always keep in mind the commercial intent of the niche. Besides that, try to read the environment and your customer’s intent. 

Try to maintain a portfolio website and upload all your best work there. In this regard, try to follow up with your seniors.

portfolio for photographers, photography portfolio
A Smart Portfolio

It is necessary to decorate a smart portfolio for the audience. Sometimes it might take years to get the right click. However, do not lose your heart and try again. People will not remember you as an expert until you click the perfect shot for business. 

Start Your Journey As An Assistant 

If you are not confident enough to start your journey as a professional photographer, start working as an assistant to a professional photographer and try to read his mind. In the beginning, you must follow almost everything, his attitude, way of thinking, how he selects a subject, lighting setup, photography timing, etc. 

Working as an assistant, assistant work
Working As An Assistant

The assistant job will make you confident and boost your energy towards work. In this way, you can take some risks and start your career. If you are willing to learn new techniques and tricks to start a career, an assistant job will help you.

Selecting The Perfect Project For Yourself 

Suppose you are a newbie and will only shoot furniture products. Now, think for a second; you do not have any previous experience in shooting any furniture items. If you start working in this niche, try to know the pros and cons. It will give you a bit of relief and slow down your mental pressure. 

an excellent photo shot, Great photo shot
An Awesome Shot

Do not go for a hard niche in the beginning. Photography is an art form that needs a lot of effort to complete successfully. If you choose the wrong project, there is a chance that you might not portray it perfectly, and the result will not be as good as usual. 

It would be best if you always focused on your portfolio. Suppose your project has been given a certain amount of money but does not have good feedback in its portfolio. Please do not go for it. 

Essential Tips For Commercial Photography 

01. Expectations and Requirements Of This Project 

You have to know the customer expectations and market demand. We suggest you do some field assessment. Do not agree to a job or give a quote until you know the details of what kind of image they are looking for. Ask the client nicely what he needs. Another important thing is that you have to know whether you can deliver that limit or not.

commercial photography studio, commercial photography tips
Packing Up All The Necessary Items


commercial photography for food, commercial food photo
A Food Photography


what do you expect

Sometimes there might be some disputes between the clients and the customers. We can say it is part of professionalism, and you must take it seriously. Your client may not be educated enough to know the details. You should describe them clearly. Make sure all the agreements are on black and white paper so that you will not face any problems. 

02. Understand The Intended Use Of The Photography 

It is necessary to have a clear idea regarding the pricing and execution of photography. The pricing quote will vary depending on the number of images and the user’s intent. Please check out the industry usage and license rights. 

You know the purpose of photography. For instance, if the image is for an advertisement, it must be high-quality. In this context, you cannot compromise on quality.

understand the intent, understand the intent for photography
Try To Understand The Intent Of The Image

When we shoot the product for various eCommerce packages, it is necessary to shoot it in a portrait format. In that case, you need to highlight the product rather than the environment. Additionally, there should be a space for text marketing. 

You Should Provide The Quote Realistically 

It is the most important thing when you are targeting the audience. Do not give the quote a value that is too low or high. Both will disturb you in many ways. If you provide a low price, people might think that you are providing a bad service, which is why it is low. On the other hand, if you charge too much, there is a chance that you might lose some customers. 

price and quote, photography price

We suggest you provide you with some discount as a beginner. It could be 10% to 20%. In this way, you can get some clients. 

Preparation and Packing 

There is a famous quote: “If you fail, to prepare, prepare to fail.” This sentence is true not only for photographers but for all professions. A good photographer sketches the photo in her mind before going for the shoot. This is how you should move and show your attitude in the field. While preparing for a professional photoshoot, take some dummy photos and confirm your accuracy. 

photography of packing, photography equipments
Packing Up All The Necessary Items

Make a list of what is essential for shooting and pack all these materials. Keep your camera, lens, battery, tripod, lighting setup, and all other necessary instruments there.

wedding photography, wedding photoshoot
Preparation For A Wedding Photography

Try To Create A Link Around You And Show Gratitude To Your Customers

You must be respectful towards your customers and show some gratitude there. As a beginner, it will help you to get more jobs. Commercial photography is all about attitude, personality, skill, etc. If you have good skills but lack communication ability, you might lose the race.

gratitude in life
Show Your Gratitude To The Customers

Take The Challenge And Pressure

It is pretty simple that, initially, you will not do everything right, and some people might criticize you for that reason. Do not lose your heart, and try again. It would be best if you used that pressure to succeed in your professional career. Try to follow famous photographers as much as possible. 

challenge for photography, challenge photo shot
Take A New Challenge

Social Media 

You need to use your social media perfectly for advertisement purposes. Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook will be the best sources to find potential customers.

top social media logo, social media icon
Different Types of Social Media That You Should Use for Personal Branding

Photo Editing Software 

As a professional photographer, it is necessary to gain the proper knowledge of different photo editing software and effects. Let me tell you some of the best photo editing software for commercial photography. 

photodirector app, photodirecto software
A Popular Photo Editing App
  • Sumo paint 
  • ACDSee
  • Polarr
  • Photopea 
  • Adobe Photoshop 
  • GIMP
  • Snapseed
  • Aurora HDR 
  • Photo & Video Editor
  • Photo director

Final Few Words

Appropriate lighting, exposure, camera aperture, and timing are important for all commercial photography. Try to focus on your object and take the shot carefully. Self-belief is the best medicine to succeed in life. If you fail in the first attempt, do it again. 


What is the Main Goal of Commercial Photography?  

We describe it as art photography that is used for commercial intent. Commercial photography is a service for eCommerce, publishing, printing, fashion, sports, etc. The purpose of commercial photography is to make a profit for the financial organization. It can be described as the means of presentation for industry products. Adding potential clients to the business is commercial photography’s first and foremost goal.  

What is the Most Important Thing That is Essential in a Photograph? 

3 important things should be maintained while taking a photo. They are light, subject, and composition. You should maintain all those things carefully while shooting a photo. 

What Does Commercial Photography Include? 

It includes photographing a particular object or product with brand value in the market. They will be photographed in a way that is enticing to the customers